Bitcoin ABC  0.29.9
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #include <common/args.h>
6 #include <logging.h>
7 #include <walletinitinterface.h>
9 class CChainParams;
10 class CWallet;
12 namespace interfaces {
13 class Chain;
14 class Handler;
15 class Wallet;
16 } // namespace interfaces
19 public:
20  bool HasWalletSupport() const override { return false; }
21  void AddWalletOptions(ArgsManager &argsman) const override;
22  bool ParameterInteraction() const override { return true; }
23  void Construct(node::NodeContext &node) const override {
24  LogPrintf("No wallet support compiled in!\n");
25  }
26 };
29  std::vector<std::string> opts = {
30  "-avoidpartialspends", "-disablewallet", "-fallbackfee=<amt>",
31  "-keypool=<n>", "-maxapsfee=<n>", "-maxtxfee=<amt>", "-mintxfee=<amt>",
32  "-paytxfee=<amt>", "-rescan", "-salvagewallet", "-spendzeroconfchange",
33  "-upgradewallet", "-wallet=<path>", "-walletbroadcast",
34  "-walletdir=<dir>", "-walletnotify=<cmd>",
35  // Wallet debug options
36  "-dblogsize=<n>", "-flushwallet", "-privdb"};
37  argsman.AddHiddenArgs(opts);
38 }
42 namespace interfaces {
44 std::unique_ptr<Wallet> MakeWallet(const std::shared_ptr<CWallet> &wallet) {
45  throw std::logic_error("Wallet function called in non-wallet build.");
46 }
48 } // namespace interfaces
void AddHiddenArgs(const std::vector< std::string > &args)
Add many hidden arguments.
Definition: args.cpp:642
CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the Bitcoin system.
Definition: chainparams.h:80
A CWallet maintains a set of transactions and balances, and provides the ability to create new transa...
Definition: wallet.h:254
bool ParameterInteraction() const override
Check wallet parameter interaction.
Definition: dummywallet.cpp:22
bool HasWalletSupport() const override
Is the wallet component enabled.
Definition: dummywallet.cpp:20
void AddWalletOptions(ArgsManager &argsman) const override
Get wallet help string.
Definition: dummywallet.cpp:28
void Construct(node::NodeContext &node) const override
Add wallets that should be opened to list of chain clients.
Definition: dummywallet.cpp:23
Interface giving clients (wallet processes, maybe other analysis tools in the future) ability to acce...
Definition: chain.h:123
Generic interface for managing an event handler or callback function registered with another interfac...
Definition: handler.h:22
Interface for accessing a wallet.
Definition: wallet.h:59
const WalletInitInterface & g_wallet_init_interface
Definition: dummywallet.cpp:40
#define LogPrintf(...)
Definition: logging.h:207
std::unique_ptr< Wallet > MakeWallet(const std::shared_ptr< CWallet > &wallet)
Return implementation of Wallet interface.
Definition: dummywallet.cpp:44
Definition: init.h:28
NodeContext struct containing references to chain state and connection state.
Definition: context.h:43