Bitcoin ABC  0.29.2
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
6 #include <config/bitcoin-config.h>
7 #endif
9 #include <config.h>
10 #include <fs.h>
11 #include <interfaces/node.h>
12 #include <qt/forms/ui_intro.h>
13 #include <qt/guiconstants.h>
14 #include <qt/guiutil.h>
15 #include <qt/intro.h>
16 #include <qt/optionsmodel.h>
17 #include <util/system.h>
19 #include <QFileDialog>
20 #include <QMessageBox>
21 #include <QSettings>
23 #include <cmath>
25 /* Check free space asynchronously to prevent hanging the UI thread.
27  Up to one request to check a path is in flight to this thread; when the
28  check()
29  function runs, the current path is requested from the associated Intro
30  object.
31  The reply is sent back through a signal.
33  This ensures that no queue of checking requests is built up while the user is
34  still entering the path, and that always the most recently entered path is
35  checked as
36  soon as the thread becomes available.
37 */
38 class FreespaceChecker : public QObject {
41 public:
42  explicit FreespaceChecker(Intro *intro);
44  enum Status { ST_OK, ST_ERROR };
46 public Q_SLOTS:
47  void check();
50  void reply(int status, const QString &message, quint64 available);
52 private:
54 };
56 #include <qt/intro.moc>
59  this->intro = _intro;
60 }
63  QString dataDirStr = intro->getPathToCheck();
64  fs::path dataDir = GUIUtil::qstringToBoostPath(dataDirStr);
65  uint64_t freeBytesAvailable = 0;
66  int replyStatus = ST_OK;
67  QString replyMessage = tr("A new data directory will be created.");
69  /* Find first parent that exists, so that fs::space does not fail */
70  fs::path parentDir = dataDir;
71  fs::path parentDirOld = fs::path();
72  while (parentDir.has_parent_path() && !fs::exists(parentDir)) {
73  parentDir = parentDir.parent_path();
75  /* Check if we make any progress, break if not to prevent an infinite
76  * loop here */
77  if (parentDirOld == parentDir) {
78  break;
79  }
81  parentDirOld = parentDir;
82  }
84  try {
85  freeBytesAvailable = fs::space(parentDir).available;
86  if (fs::exists(dataDir)) {
87  if (fs::is_directory(dataDir)) {
88  QString separator = "<code>" + QDir::toNativeSeparators("/") +
89  tr("name") + "</code>";
90  replyStatus = ST_OK;
91  replyMessage = tr("Directory already exists. Add %1 if you "
92  "intend to create a new directory here.")
93  .arg(separator);
94  } else {
95  replyStatus = ST_ERROR;
96  replyMessage =
97  tr("Path already exists, and is not a directory.");
98  }
99  }
100  } catch (const fs::filesystem_error &) {
101  /* Parent directory does not exist or is not accessible */
102  replyStatus = ST_ERROR;
103  replyMessage = tr("Cannot create data directory here.");
104  }
105  Q_EMIT reply(replyStatus, replyMessage, freeBytesAvailable);
106 }
108 namespace {
110 int GetPruneTargetGB() {
111  int64_t prune_target_mib = gArgs.GetIntArg("-prune", 0);
112  // >1 means automatic pruning is enabled by config, 1 means manual pruning,
113  // 0 means no pruning.
114  return prune_target_mib > 1 ? PruneMiBtoGB(prune_target_mib)
116 }
117 } // namespace
119 Intro::Intro(QWidget *parent, int64_t blockchain_size_gb,
120  int64_t chain_state_size_gb)
121  : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Intro), thread(nullptr), signalled(false),
122  m_blockchain_size_gb(blockchain_size_gb),
123  m_chain_state_size_gb(chain_state_size_gb),
124  m_prune_target_gb(GetPruneTargetGB()) {
125  ui->setupUi(this);
126  ui->welcomeLabel->setText(ui->welcomeLabel->text().arg(PACKAGE_NAME));
127  ui->storageLabel->setText(ui->storageLabel->text().arg(PACKAGE_NAME));
129  ui->lblExplanation1->setText(ui->lblExplanation1->text()
130  .arg(PACKAGE_NAME)
132  .arg(2009)
133  .arg(tr("Bitcoin")));
134  ui->lblExplanation2->setText(ui->lblExplanation2->text().arg(PACKAGE_NAME));
136  // -prune=1 means enabled, above that it's a size in MiB
137  if (gArgs.GetIntArg("-prune", 0) > 1) {
138  ui->prune->setChecked(true);
139  ui->prune->setEnabled(false);
140  }
141  ui->prune->setText(tr("Discard blocks after verification, except most "
142  "recent %1 GB (prune)")
143  .arg(m_prune_target_gb));
144  UpdatePruneLabels(ui->prune->isChecked());
146  connect(ui->prune, &QCheckBox::toggled, [this](bool prune_checked) {
147  UpdatePruneLabels(prune_checked);
148  UpdateFreeSpaceLabel();
149  });
151  startThread();
152 }
155  delete ui;
156  /* Ensure thread is finished before it is deleted */
157  thread->quit();
158  thread->wait();
159 }
162  return ui->dataDirectory->text();
163 }
165 void Intro::setDataDirectory(const QString &dataDir) {
166  ui->dataDirectory->setText(dataDir);
167  if (dataDir == GUIUtil::getDefaultDataDirectory()) {
168  ui->dataDirDefault->setChecked(true);
169  ui->dataDirectory->setEnabled(false);
170  ui->ellipsisButton->setEnabled(false);
171  } else {
172  ui->dataDirCustom->setChecked(true);
173  ui->dataDirectory->setEnabled(true);
174  ui->ellipsisButton->setEnabled(true);
175  }
176 }
178 bool Intro::showIfNeeded(bool &did_show_intro, bool &prune) {
179  did_show_intro = false;
181  QSettings settings;
182  /* If data directory provided on command line, no need to look at settings
183  or show a picking dialog */
184  if (!gArgs.GetArg("-datadir", "").empty()) {
185  return true;
186  }
187  /* 1) Default data directory for operating system */
188  QString dataDir = GUIUtil::getDefaultDataDirectory();
189  /* 2) Allow QSettings to override default dir */
190  dataDir = settings.value("strDataDir", dataDir).toString();
192  if (!fs::exists(GUIUtil::qstringToBoostPath(dataDir)) ||
193  gArgs.GetBoolArg("-choosedatadir", DEFAULT_CHOOSE_DATADIR) ||
194  settings.value("fReset", false).toBool() ||
195  gArgs.GetBoolArg("-resetguisettings", false)) {
200  try {
202  } catch (const std::exception &) {
203  return false;
204  }
210  const CChainParams &params = GetConfig().GetChainParams();
211  Intro intro(nullptr, params.AssumedBlockchainSize(),
212  params.AssumedChainStateSize());
213  intro.setDataDirectory(dataDir);
214  intro.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":icons/bitcoin"));
215  did_show_intro = true;
217  while (true) {
218  if (!intro.exec()) {
219  /* Cancel clicked */
220  return false;
221  }
222  dataDir = intro.getDataDirectory();
223  try {
225  GUIUtil::qstringToBoostPath(dataDir))) {
226  // If a new data directory has been created, make wallets
227  // subdirectory too
229  "wallets");
230  }
231  break;
232  } catch (const fs::filesystem_error &) {
233  QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, PACKAGE_NAME,
234  tr("Error: Specified data directory "
235  "\"%1\" cannot be created.")
236  .arg(dataDir));
237  /* fall through, back to choosing screen */
238  }
239  }
241  // Additional preferences:
242  prune = intro.ui->prune->isChecked();
244  settings.setValue("strDataDir", dataDir);
245  settings.setValue("fReset", false);
246  }
247  /* Only override -datadir if different from the default, to make it possible
248  * to
249  * override -datadir in the bitcoin.conf file in the default data directory
250  * (to be consistent with bitcoind behavior)
251  */
252  if (dataDir != GUIUtil::getDefaultDataDirectory()) {
253  // use OS locale for path setting
255  "-datadir", fs::PathToString(GUIUtil::qstringToBoostPath(dataDir)));
256  }
257  return true;
258 }
260 void Intro::setStatus(int status, const QString &message,
261  quint64 bytesAvailable) {
262  switch (status) {
264  ui->errorMessage->setText(message);
265  ui->errorMessage->setStyleSheet("");
266  break;
268  ui->errorMessage->setText(tr("Error") + ": " + message);
269  ui->errorMessage->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: #800000 }");
270  break;
271  }
272  /* Indicate number of bytes available */
273  if (status == FreespaceChecker::ST_ERROR) {
274  ui->freeSpace->setText("");
275  } else {
276  m_bytes_available = bytesAvailable;
277  if (ui->prune->isEnabled()) {
278  ui->prune->setChecked(
281  }
283  }
284  /* Don't allow confirm in ERROR state */
285  ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)
286  ->setEnabled(status != FreespaceChecker::ST_ERROR);
287 }
290  QString freeString =
291  tr("%n GB of free space available", "", m_bytes_available / GB_BYTES);
293  freeString += " " + tr("(of %n GB needed)", "", m_required_space_gb);
294  ui->freeSpace->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: #800000 }");
295  } else if (m_bytes_available / GB_BYTES - m_required_space_gb < 10) {
296  freeString +=
297  " " + tr("(%n GB needed for full chain)", "", m_required_space_gb);
298  ui->freeSpace->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: #999900 }");
299  } else {
300  ui->freeSpace->setStyleSheet("");
301  }
302  ui->freeSpace->setText(freeString + ".");
303 }
305 void Intro::on_dataDirectory_textChanged(const QString &dataDirStr) {
306  /* Disable OK button until check result comes in */
307  ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false);
308  checkPath(dataDirStr);
309 }
312  QString dir = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(
313  nullptr, "Choose data directory", ui->dataDirectory->text()));
314  if (!dir.isEmpty()) {
315  ui->dataDirectory->setText(dir);
316  }
317 }
321 }
324  ui->dataDirectory->setEnabled(true);
325  ui->ellipsisButton->setEnabled(true);
326 }
329  thread = new QThread(this);
330  FreespaceChecker *executor = new FreespaceChecker(this);
331  executor->moveToThread(thread);
333  connect(executor, &FreespaceChecker::reply, this, &Intro::setStatus);
334  connect(this, &Intro::requestCheck, executor, &FreespaceChecker::check);
335  /* make sure executor object is deleted in its own thread */
336  connect(thread, &QThread::finished, executor, &QObject::deleteLater);
338  thread->start();
339 }
341 void Intro::checkPath(const QString &dataDir) {
342  mutex.lock();
343  pathToCheck = dataDir;
344  if (!signalled) {
345  signalled = true;
346  Q_EMIT requestCheck();
347  }
348  mutex.unlock();
349 }
352  QString retval;
353  mutex.lock();
354  retval = pathToCheck;
355  signalled = false; /* new request can be queued now */
356  mutex.unlock();
357  return retval;
358 }
360 void Intro::UpdatePruneLabels(bool prune_checked) {
362  QString storageRequiresMsg =
363  tr("At least %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it "
364  "will grow over time.");
365  if (prune_checked && m_prune_target_gb <= m_blockchain_size_gb) {
367  storageRequiresMsg =
368  tr("Approximately %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory.");
369  }
370  ui->lblExplanation3->setVisible(prune_checked);
371  ui->sizeWarningLabel->setText(
372  tr("%1 will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain.")
373  .arg(PACKAGE_NAME) +
374  " " + storageRequiresMsg.arg(m_required_space_gb) + " " +
375  tr("The wallet will also be stored in this directory."));
376  this->adjustSize();
377 }
void SelectParams(const std::string &network)
Sets the params returned by Params() to those for the given BIP70 chain name.
bool SoftSetArg(const std::string &strArg, const std::string &strValue)
Set an argument if it doesn't already have a value.
Definition: system.cpp:688
int64_t GetIntArg(const std::string &strArg, int64_t nDefault) const
Return integer argument or default value.
Definition: system.cpp:635
std::string GetArg(const std::string &strArg, const std::string &strDefault) const
Return string argument or default value.
Definition: system.cpp:603
bool GetBoolArg(const std::string &strArg, bool fDefault) const
Return boolean argument or default value.
Definition: system.cpp:665
std::string GetChainName() const
Looks for -regtest, -testnet and returns the appropriate BIP70 chain name.
Definition: system.cpp:1123
CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the Bitcoin system.
Definition: chainparams.h:74
uint64_t AssumedBlockchainSize() const
Minimum free space (in GB) needed for data directory.
Definition: chainparams.h:110
uint64_t AssumedChainStateSize() const
Minimum free space (in GB) needed for data directory when pruned; Does not include prune target.
Definition: chainparams.h:115
virtual const CChainParams & GetChainParams() const =0
FreespaceChecker(Intro *intro)
Definition: intro.cpp:58
Intro * intro
Definition: intro.cpp:53
void reply(int status, const QString &message, quint64 available)
void check()
Definition: intro.cpp:62
Introduction screen (pre-GUI startup).
Definition: intro.h:28
Definition: intro.cpp:154
void setStatus(int status, const QString &message, quint64 bytesAvailable)
Definition: intro.cpp:260
void on_ellipsisButton_clicked()
Definition: intro.cpp:311
QMutex mutex
Definition: intro.h:68
void UpdatePruneLabels(bool prune_checked)
Definition: intro.cpp:360
const int64_t m_blockchain_size_gb
Definition: intro.h:71
void setDataDirectory(const QString &dataDir)
Definition: intro.cpp:165
static bool showIfNeeded(bool &did_show_intro, bool &prune)
Determine data directory.
Definition: intro.cpp:178
uint64_t m_bytes_available
Definition: intro.h:76
QString pathToCheck
Definition: intro.h:70
friend class FreespaceChecker
Definition: intro.h:85
void on_dataDirectory_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
Definition: intro.cpp:305
int64_t m_required_space_gb
Total required space (in GB) depending on user choice (prune or not prune).
Definition: intro.h:75
void UpdateFreeSpaceLabel()
Definition: intro.cpp:289
bool signalled
Definition: intro.h:69
QString getPathToCheck()
Definition: intro.cpp:351
Ui::Intro * ui
Definition: intro.h:66
void requestCheck()
Intro(QWidget *parent=nullptr, int64_t blockchain_size_gb=0, int64_t chain_state_size_gb=0)
Definition: intro.cpp:119
const int64_t m_chain_state_size_gb
Definition: intro.h:72
QString getDataDirectory()
Definition: intro.cpp:161
void checkPath(const QString &dataDir)
Definition: intro.cpp:341
void startThread()
Definition: intro.cpp:328
void on_dataDirDefault_clicked()
Definition: intro.cpp:319
const int64_t m_prune_target_gb
Definition: intro.h:77
QThread * thread
Definition: intro.h:67
void on_dataDirCustom_clicked()
Definition: intro.cpp:323
Path class wrapper to block calls to the fs::path(std::string) implicit constructor and the fs::path:...
Definition: fs.h:30
const Config & GetConfig()
Definition: config.cpp:34
static constexpr int DEFAULT_PRUNE_TARGET_GB
Definition: guiconstants.h:53
static constexpr uint64_t GB_BYTES
Definition: guiconstants.h:50
static const bool DEFAULT_CHOOSE_DATADIR
Definition: intro.h:12
fs::path qstringToBoostPath(const QString &path)
Convert QString to OS specific boost path through UTF-8.
Definition: guiutil.cpp:779
QString getDefaultDataDirectory()
Determine default data directory for operating system.
Definition: guiutil.cpp:287
static bool exists(const path &p)
Definition: fs.h:102
static std::string PathToString(const path &path)
Convert path object to byte string.
Definition: fs.h:142
static int PruneMiBtoGB(int64_t mib)
Convert configured prune target MiB to displayed GB.
Definition: optionsmodel.h:30
bool TryCreateDirectories(const fs::path &p)
Ignores exceptions thrown by create_directories if the requested directory exists.
Definition: system.cpp:1217
ArgsManager gArgs
Definition: system.cpp:80