Bitcoin ABC  0.29.9
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #include <psbt.h>
7 #include <util/check.h>
8 #include <util/strencodings.h>
11  const CMutableTransaction &txIn)
12  : tx(txIn) {
13  inputs.resize(;
14  outputs.resize(txIn.vout.size());
15 }
18  return !tx && inputs.empty() && outputs.empty() && unknown.empty();
19 }
22  // Prohibited to merge two PSBTs over different transactions
23  if (tx->GetId() != psbt.tx->GetId()) {
24  return false;
25  }
27  for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
28  inputs[i].Merge(psbt.inputs[i]);
29  }
30  for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
31  outputs[i].Merge(psbt.outputs[i]);
32  }
33  unknown.insert(psbt.unknown.begin(), psbt.unknown.end());
35  return true;
36 }
39  PSBTInput &psbtin) {
40  if (std::find(tx->vin.begin(), tx->vin.end(), txin) != tx->vin.end()) {
41  return false;
42  }
43  tx->vin.push_back(txin);
44  psbtin.partial_sigs.clear();
45  psbtin.final_script_sig.clear();
46  inputs.push_back(psbtin);
47  return true;
48 }
51  const PSBTOutput &psbtout) {
52  tx->vout.push_back(txout);
53  outputs.push_back(psbtout);
54  return true;
55 }
58  int input_index) const {
59  PSBTInput input = inputs[input_index];
60  if (!input.utxo.IsNull()) {
61  utxo = input.utxo;
62  } else {
63  return false;
64  }
65  return true;
66 }
68 bool PSBTInput::IsNull() const {
69  return utxo.IsNull() && partial_sigs.empty() && unknown.empty() &&
70  hd_keypaths.empty() && redeem_script.empty();
71 }
74  if (!final_script_sig.empty()) {
75  sigdata.scriptSig = final_script_sig;
76  sigdata.complete = true;
77  }
78  if (sigdata.complete) {
79  return;
80  }
82  sigdata.signatures.insert(partial_sigs.begin(), partial_sigs.end());
83  if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
84  sigdata.redeem_script = redeem_script;
85  }
86  for (const auto &key_pair : hd_keypaths) {
87  sigdata.misc_pubkeys.emplace(key_pair.first.GetID(), key_pair);
88  }
89 }
92  if (sigdata.complete) {
93  partial_sigs.clear();
94  hd_keypaths.clear();
97  if (!sigdata.scriptSig.empty()) {
98  final_script_sig = sigdata.scriptSig;
99  }
100  return;
101  }
103  partial_sigs.insert(sigdata.signatures.begin(), sigdata.signatures.end());
104  if (redeem_script.empty() && !sigdata.redeem_script.empty()) {
105  redeem_script = sigdata.redeem_script;
106  }
107  for (const auto &entry : sigdata.misc_pubkeys) {
108  hd_keypaths.emplace(entry.second);
109  }
110 }
112 void PSBTInput::Merge(const PSBTInput &input) {
113  if (utxo.IsNull() && !input.utxo.IsNull()) {
114  utxo = input.utxo;
115  }
117  partial_sigs.insert(input.partial_sigs.begin(), input.partial_sigs.end());
118  hd_keypaths.insert(input.hd_keypaths.begin(), input.hd_keypaths.end());
119  unknown.insert(input.unknown.begin(), input.unknown.end());
121  if (redeem_script.empty() && !input.redeem_script.empty()) {
123  }
124  if (final_script_sig.empty() && !input.final_script_sig.empty()) {
126  }
127 }
130  if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
131  sigdata.redeem_script = redeem_script;
132  }
133  for (const auto &key_pair : hd_keypaths) {
134  sigdata.misc_pubkeys.emplace(key_pair.first.GetID(), key_pair);
135  }
136 }
139  if (redeem_script.empty() && !sigdata.redeem_script.empty()) {
140  redeem_script = sigdata.redeem_script;
141  }
142  for (const auto &entry : sigdata.misc_pubkeys) {
143  hd_keypaths.emplace(entry.second);
144  }
145 }
147 bool PSBTOutput::IsNull() const {
148  return redeem_script.empty() && hd_keypaths.empty() && unknown.empty();
149 }
151 void PSBTOutput::Merge(const PSBTOutput &output) {
152  hd_keypaths.insert(output.hd_keypaths.begin(), output.hd_keypaths.end());
153  unknown.insert(output.unknown.begin(), output.unknown.end());
155  if (redeem_script.empty() && !output.redeem_script.empty()) {
156  redeem_script = output.redeem_script;
157  }
158 }
160 bool PSBTInputSigned(const PSBTInput &input) {
161  return !input.final_script_sig.empty();
162 }
164 void UpdatePSBTOutput(const SigningProvider &provider,
165  PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, int index) {
166  CMutableTransaction &tx = *Assert(psbt.tx);
167  const CTxOut &out =;
168  PSBTOutput &psbt_out =;
170  // Fill a SignatureData with output info
171  SignatureData sigdata;
172  psbt_out.FillSignatureData(sigdata);
174  // Construct a would-be spend of this output, to update sigdata with.
175  // Note that ProduceSignature is used to fill in metadata (not actual
176  // signatures), so provider does not need to provide any private keys (it
177  // can be a HidingSigningProvider).
178  MutableTransactionSignatureCreator creator(&tx, /* index */ 0, out.nValue,
179  SigHashType().withForkId());
180  ProduceSignature(provider, creator, out.scriptPubKey, sigdata);
182  // Put redeem_script and key paths, into PSBTOutput.
183  psbt_out.FromSignatureData(sigdata);
184 }
186 bool SignPSBTInput(const SigningProvider &provider,
187  PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, int index,
188  SigHashType sighash, SignatureData *out_sigdata,
189  bool use_dummy) {
190  PSBTInput &input =;
191  const CMutableTransaction &tx = *psbt.tx;
193  if (PSBTInputSigned(input)) {
194  return true;
195  }
197  // Fill SignatureData with input info
198  SignatureData sigdata;
199  input.FillSignatureData(sigdata);
201  // Get UTXO
202  CTxOut utxo;
204  if (input.utxo.IsNull()) {
205  return false;
206  }
208  utxo = input.utxo;
210  bool sig_complete{false};
211  if (use_dummy) {
212  sig_complete = ProduceSignature(provider, DUMMY_SIGNATURE_CREATOR,
213  utxo.scriptPubKey, sigdata);
214  } else {
215  MutableTransactionSignatureCreator creator(&tx, index, utxo.nValue,
216  sighash);
217  sig_complete =
218  ProduceSignature(provider, creator, utxo.scriptPubKey, sigdata);
219  }
220  input.FromSignatureData(sigdata);
222  // Fill in the missing info
223  if (out_sigdata != nullptr) {
224  out_sigdata->missing_pubkeys = sigdata.missing_pubkeys;
225  out_sigdata->missing_sigs = sigdata.missing_sigs;
226  out_sigdata->missing_redeem_script = sigdata.missing_redeem_script;
227  }
229  return sig_complete;
230 }
233  // Finalize input signatures -- in case we have partial signatures that add
234  // up to a complete
235  // signature, but have not combined them yet (e.g. because the combiner
236  // that created this PartiallySignedTransaction did not understand them),
237  // this will combine them into a final script.
238  bool complete = true;
239  for (size_t i = 0; i < psbtx.tx->vin.size(); ++i) {
240  complete &=
242  }
244  return complete;
245 }
248  CMutableTransaction &result) {
249  // It's not safe to extract a PSBT that isn't finalized, and there's no easy
250  // way to check
251  // whether a PSBT is finalized without finalizing it, so we just do this.
252  if (!FinalizePSBT(psbtx)) {
253  return false;
254  }
256  result = *psbtx.tx;
257  for (size_t i = 0; i <; ++i) {
258[i].scriptSig = psbtx.inputs[i].final_script_sig;
259  }
260  return true;
261 }
265  const std::vector<PartiallySignedTransaction> &psbtxs) {
266  // Copy the first one
267  out = psbtxs[0];
269  // Merge
270  for (auto it = std::next(psbtxs.begin()); it != psbtxs.end(); ++it) {
271  if (!out.Merge(*it)) {
273  }
274  }
276  return TransactionError::OK;
277 }
279 std::string PSBTRoleName(const PSBTRole role) {
280  switch (role) {
281  case PSBTRole::CREATOR:
282  return "creator";
283  case PSBTRole::UPDATER:
284  return "updater";
285  case PSBTRole::SIGNER:
286  return "signer";
287  case PSBTRole::FINALIZER:
288  return "finalizer";
289  case PSBTRole::EXTRACTOR:
290  return "extractor";
291  // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
292  }
293  assert(false);
294 }
297  const std::string &base64_tx, std::string &error) {
298  bool invalid;
299  std::string tx_data = DecodeBase64(base64_tx, &invalid);
300  if (invalid) {
301  error = "invalid base64";
302  return false;
303  }
304  return DecodeRawPSBT(psbt, tx_data, error);
305 }
307 bool DecodeRawPSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, const std::string &tx_data,
308  std::string &error) {
310  try {
311  ss_data >> psbt;
312  if (!ss_data.empty()) {
313  error = "extra data after PSBT";
314  return false;
315  }
316  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
317  error = e.what();
318  return false;
319  }
320  return true;
321 }
#define Assert(val)
Identity function.
Definition: check.h:84
Double ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces.
Definition: streams.h:177
bool empty() const
Definition: streams.h:224
A mutable version of CTransaction.
Definition: transaction.h:274
std::vector< CTxOut > vout
Definition: transaction.h:277
std::vector< CTxIn > vin
Definition: transaction.h:276
void clear()
Definition: script.h:553
An input of a transaction.
Definition: transaction.h:59
An output of a transaction.
Definition: transaction.h:128
CScript scriptPubKey
Definition: transaction.h:131
Amount nValue
Definition: transaction.h:130
bool IsNull() const
Definition: transaction.h:145
A signature creator for transactions.
Definition: sign.h:38
Signature hash type wrapper class.
Definition: sighashtype.h:37
An interface to be implemented by keystores that support signing.
bool empty() const
Definition: prevector.h:388
Definition: error.h:22
bool error(const char *fmt, const Args &...args)
Definition: logging.h:226
bool DecodeRawPSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, const std::string &tx_data, std::string &error)
Decode a raw (binary blob) PSBT into a PartiallySignedTransaction.
Definition: psbt.cpp:307
bool DecodeBase64PSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, const std::string &base64_tx, std::string &error)
Decode a base64ed PSBT into a PartiallySignedTransaction.
Definition: psbt.cpp:296
void UpdatePSBTOutput(const SigningProvider &provider, PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, int index)
Updates a PSBTOutput with information from provider.
Definition: psbt.cpp:164
std::string PSBTRoleName(const PSBTRole role)
Definition: psbt.cpp:279
bool FinalizeAndExtractPSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction &psbtx, CMutableTransaction &result)
Finalizes a PSBT if possible, and extracts it to a CMutableTransaction if it could be finalized.
Definition: psbt.cpp:247
bool PSBTInputSigned(const PSBTInput &input)
Checks whether a PSBTInput is already signed.
Definition: psbt.cpp:160
TransactionError CombinePSBTs(PartiallySignedTransaction &out, const std::vector< PartiallySignedTransaction > &psbtxs)
Combines PSBTs with the same underlying transaction, resulting in a single PSBT with all partial sign...
Definition: psbt.cpp:264
bool SignPSBTInput(const SigningProvider &provider, PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt, int index, SigHashType sighash, SignatureData *out_sigdata, bool use_dummy)
Signs a PSBTInput, verifying that all provided data matches what is being signed.
Definition: psbt.cpp:186
bool FinalizePSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction &psbtx)
Finalizes a PSBT if possible, combining partial signatures.
Definition: psbt.cpp:232
Definition: psbt.h:506
Definition: serialize.h:152
bool ProduceSignature(const SigningProvider &provider, const BaseSignatureCreator &creator, const CScript &fromPubKey, SignatureData &sigdata)
Produce a script signature using a generic signature creator.
Definition: sign.cpp:198
const BaseSignatureCreator & DUMMY_SIGNATURE_CREATOR
A signature creator that just produces 71-byte empty signatures.
Definition: sign.cpp:419
const SigningProvider & DUMMY_SIGNING_PROVIDER
Span< const std::byte > MakeByteSpan(V &&v) noexcept
Definition: span.h:301
std::vector< uint8_t > DecodeBase64(const char *p, bool *pf_invalid)
A structure for PSBTs which contain per-input information.
Definition: psbt.h:44
std::map< CPubKey, KeyOriginInfo > hd_keypaths
Definition: psbt.h:48
std::map< CKeyID, SigPair > partial_sigs
Definition: psbt.h:49
void FillSignatureData(SignatureData &sigdata) const
Definition: psbt.cpp:73
bool IsNull() const
Definition: psbt.cpp:68
void Merge(const PSBTInput &input)
Definition: psbt.cpp:112
std::map< std::vector< uint8_t >, std::vector< uint8_t > > unknown
Definition: psbt.h:50
CScript redeem_script
Definition: psbt.h:46
CScript final_script_sig
Definition: psbt.h:47
void FromSignatureData(const SignatureData &sigdata)
Definition: psbt.cpp:91
CTxOut utxo
Definition: psbt.h:45
A structure for PSBTs which contains per output information.
Definition: psbt.h:233
bool IsNull() const
Definition: psbt.cpp:147
void Merge(const PSBTOutput &output)
Definition: psbt.cpp:151
CScript redeem_script
Definition: psbt.h:234
std::map< CPubKey, KeyOriginInfo > hd_keypaths
Definition: psbt.h:235
std::map< std::vector< uint8_t >, std::vector< uint8_t > > unknown
Definition: psbt.h:236
void FillSignatureData(SignatureData &sigdata) const
Definition: psbt.cpp:129
void FromSignatureData(const SignatureData &sigdata)
Definition: psbt.cpp:138
A version of CTransaction with the PSBT format.
Definition: psbt.h:334
bool Merge(const PartiallySignedTransaction &psbt)
Merge psbt into this.
Definition: psbt.cpp:21
std::map< std::vector< uint8_t >, std::vector< uint8_t > > unknown
Definition: psbt.h:338
bool IsNull() const
Definition: psbt.cpp:17
bool GetInputUTXO(CTxOut &utxo, int input_index) const
Finds the UTXO for a given input index.
Definition: psbt.cpp:57
bool AddOutput(const CTxOut &txout, const PSBTOutput &psbtout)
Definition: psbt.cpp:50
std::vector< PSBTInput > inputs
Definition: psbt.h:336
std::optional< CMutableTransaction > tx
Definition: psbt.h:335
bool AddInput(const CTxIn &txin, PSBTInput &psbtin)
Definition: psbt.cpp:38
std::vector< PSBTOutput > outputs
Definition: psbt.h:337
uint160 missing_redeem_script
ScriptID of the missing redeemScript (if any)
Definition: sign.h:83
std::vector< CKeyID > missing_sigs
KeyIDs of pubkeys for signatures which could not be found.
Definition: sign.h:81
std::map< CKeyID, SigPair > signatures
BIP 174 style partial signatures for the input.
Definition: sign.h:76
std::map< CKeyID, std::pair< CPubKey, KeyOriginInfo > > misc_pubkeys
Definition: sign.h:77
CScript scriptSig
The scriptSig of an input.
Definition: sign.h:71
CScript redeem_script
The redeemScript (if any) for the input.
Definition: sign.h:73
std::vector< CKeyID > missing_pubkeys
KeyIDs of pubkeys which could not be found.
Definition: sign.h:79
bool complete
Stores whether the scriptSig are complete.
Definition: sign.h:68
static const int PROTOCOL_VERSION
network protocol versioning
Definition: version.h:11