Bitcoin ABC  0.29.9
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
8 #include <consensus/amount.h>
9 #include <primitives/blockhash.h>
10 #include <primitives/transaction.h>
11 #include <serialize.h>
12 #include <threadsafety.h>
13 #include <tinyformat.h>
14 #include <util/strencodings.h>
15 #include <util/string.h>
16 #include <wallet/ismine.h>
18 #include <list>
19 #include <vector>
21 typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue_t;
23 static inline void ReadOrderPos(int64_t &nOrderPos, mapValue_t &mapValue) {
24  if (!mapValue.count("n")) {
25  // TODO: calculate elsewhere
26  nOrderPos = -1;
27  return;
28  }
30  nOrderPos = atoi64(mapValue["n"]);
31 }
33 static inline void WriteOrderPos(const int64_t &nOrderPos,
34  mapValue_t &mapValue) {
35  if (nOrderPos == -1) {
36  return;
37  }
38  mapValue["n"] = ToString(nOrderPos);
39 }
48 class CMerkleTx {
49 public:
50  template <typename Stream> void Unserialize(Stream &s) {
51  CTransactionRef tx;
52  BlockHash hashBlock;
53  std::vector<uint256> vMerkleBranch;
54  int nIndex = 0;
56  s >> tx >> hashBlock >> vMerkleBranch >> nIndex;
57  }
58 };
65 class CWalletTx {
66 private:
71  static constexpr const uint256 &ABANDON_HASH = uint256::ONE;
73 public:
100  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> vOrderForm;
101  unsigned int fTimeReceivedIsTxTime;
103  unsigned int nTimeReceived;
113  unsigned int nTimeSmart;
119  bool fFromMe;
121  int64_t nOrderPos;
122  std::multimap<int64_t, CWalletTx *>::const_iterator m_it_wtxOrdered;
124  // memory only
125  enum AmountType {
131  };
139  mutable bool m_is_cache_empty{true};
140  mutable bool fChangeCached;
141  mutable bool fInMempool;
144  CWalletTx(CTransactionRef arg) : tx(std::move(arg)) { Init(); }
146  void Init() {
147  mapValue.clear();
148  vOrderForm.clear();
149  fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = false;
150  nTimeReceived = 0;
151  nTimeSmart = 0;
152  fFromMe = false;
153  fChangeCached = false;
154  fInMempool = false;
156  nOrderPos = -1;
158  }
181  struct Confirmation {
185  int nIndex;
187  BlockHash h = BlockHash(), int i = 0)
188  : status(s), block_height(b), hashBlock(h), nIndex(i) {}
189  };
193  template <typename Stream> void Serialize(Stream &s) const {
194  mapValue_t mapValueCopy = mapValue;
196  mapValueCopy["fromaccount"] = "";
197  WriteOrderPos(nOrderPos, mapValueCopy);
198  if (nTimeSmart) {
199  mapValueCopy["timesmart"] = strprintf("%u", nTimeSmart);
200  }
203  std::vector<uint8_t> dummy_vector1;
205  std::vector<uint8_t> dummy_vector2;
207  bool dummy_bool = false;
208  uint256 serializedHash =
210  int serializedIndex =
212  s << tx << serializedHash << dummy_vector1 << serializedIndex
213  << dummy_vector2 << mapValueCopy << vOrderForm
214  << fTimeReceivedIsTxTime << nTimeReceived << fFromMe << dummy_bool;
215  }
217  template <typename Stream> void Unserialize(Stream &s) {
218  Init();
221  std::vector<uint256> dummy_vector1;
223  std::vector<CMerkleTx> dummy_vector2;
225  bool dummy_bool;
226  int serializedIndex;
227  s >> tx >> m_confirm.hashBlock >> dummy_vector1 >> serializedIndex >>
228  dummy_vector2 >> mapValue >> vOrderForm >> fTimeReceivedIsTxTime >>
229  nTimeReceived >> fFromMe >> dummy_bool;
231  /*
232  * At serialization/deserialization, an nIndex == -1 means that
233  * hashBlock refers to the earliest block in the chain we know this or
234  * any in-wallet ancestor conflicts with. If nIndex == -1 and hashBlock
235  * is ABANDON_HASH, it means transaction is abandoned. In same context,
236  * an nIndex >= 0 refers to a confirmed transaction (if hashBlock set)
237  * or unconfirmed one. Older clients interpret nIndex == -1 as
238  * unconfirmed for backward compatibility (pre-commit 9ac63d6).
239  */
240  if (serializedIndex == -1 && m_confirm.hashBlock == ABANDON_HASH) {
241  setAbandoned();
242  } else if (serializedIndex == -1) {
243  setConflicted();
244  } else if (!m_confirm.hashBlock.IsNull()) {
245  m_confirm.nIndex = serializedIndex;
246  setConfirmed();
247  }
250  nTimeSmart = mapValue.count("timesmart")
251  ? (unsigned int)atoi64(mapValue["timesmart"])
252  : 0;
254  mapValue.erase("fromaccount");
255  mapValue.erase("spent");
256  mapValue.erase("n");
257  mapValue.erase("timesmart");
258  }
260  void SetTx(CTransactionRef arg) { tx = std::move(arg); }
263  void MarkDirty() {
264  m_amounts[DEBIT].Reset();
268  fChangeCached = false;
269  m_is_cache_empty = true;
270  }
272  // True if only scriptSigs are different
273  bool IsEquivalentTo(const CWalletTx &tx) const;
275  bool InMempool() const;
277  int64_t GetTxTime() const;
279  bool isAbandoned() const {
281  }
282  void setAbandoned() {
286  m_confirm.nIndex = 0;
287  }
288  bool isConflicted() const {
290  }
292  bool isUnconfirmed() const {
294  }
296  bool isConfirmed() const {
298  }
300  TxId GetId() const { return tx->GetId(); }
301  bool IsCoinBase() const { return tx->IsCoinBase(); }
303  // Disable copying of CWalletTx objects to prevent bugs where instances get
304  // copied in and out of the mapWallet map, and fields are updated in the
305  // wrong copy.
306  CWalletTx(CWalletTx const &) = delete;
307  void operator=(CWalletTx const &x) = delete;
308 };
Legacy class used for deserializing vtxPrev for backwards compatibility.
Definition: transaction.h:48
void Unserialize(Stream &s)
Definition: transaction.h:50
A transaction with a bunch of additional info that only the owner cares about.
Definition: transaction.h:65
New transactions start as UNCONFIRMED.
Definition: transaction.h:172
bool isAbandoned() const
Definition: transaction.h:279
mapValue_t mapValue
Key/value map with information about the transaction.
Definition: transaction.h:99
CTransactionRef tx
Definition: transaction.h:160
bool isUnconfirmed() const
Definition: transaction.h:292
CWalletTx(CWalletTx const &)=delete
void setConflicted()
Definition: transaction.h:291
void operator=(CWalletTx const &x)=delete
static constexpr const uint256 & ABANDON_HASH
Constant used in hashBlock to indicate tx has been abandoned, only used at serialization/deserializat...
Definition: transaction.h:71
unsigned int nTimeSmart
Stable timestamp that never changes, and reflects the order a transaction was added to the wallet.
Definition: transaction.h:113
void SetTx(CTransactionRef arg)
Definition: transaction.h:260
std::multimap< int64_t, CWalletTx * >::const_iterator m_it_wtxOrdered
Definition: transaction.h:122
void Serialize(Stream &s) const
Definition: transaction.h:193
CWalletTx(CTransactionRef arg)
Definition: transaction.h:144
bool IsEquivalentTo(const CWalletTx &tx) const
Definition: transaction.cpp:7
void Unserialize(Stream &s)
Definition: transaction.h:217
bool isConflicted() const
Definition: transaction.h:288
Confirmation m_confirm
Definition: transaction.h:191
TxId GetId() const
Definition: transaction.h:300
Definition: transaction.h:129
Definition: transaction.h:128
Definition: transaction.h:130
Amount nChangeCached
Definition: transaction.h:142
void setConfirmed()
Definition: transaction.h:299
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > vOrderForm
Definition: transaction.h:100
void Init()
Definition: transaction.h:146
bool fFromMe
From me flag is set to 1 for transactions that were created by the wallet on this bitcoin node,...
Definition: transaction.h:119
void setAbandoned()
Definition: transaction.h:282
void setUnconfirmed()
Definition: transaction.h:295
bool fChangeCached
Definition: transaction.h:140
int64_t GetTxTime() const
Definition: transaction.cpp:25
bool fInMempool
Definition: transaction.h:141
unsigned int fTimeReceivedIsTxTime
Definition: transaction.h:101
bool isConfirmed() const
Definition: transaction.h:296
CachableAmount m_amounts[AMOUNTTYPE_ENUM_ELEMENTS]
Definition: transaction.h:132
void MarkDirty()
make sure balances are recalculated
Definition: transaction.h:263
bool m_is_cache_empty
This flag is true if all m_amounts caches are empty.
Definition: transaction.h:139
bool InMempool() const
Definition: transaction.cpp:21
bool IsCoinBase() const
Definition: transaction.h:301
unsigned int nTimeReceived
time received by this node
Definition: transaction.h:103
int64_t nOrderPos
position in ordered transaction list
Definition: transaction.h:121
bool IsNull() const
Definition: uint256.h:32
256-bit opaque blob.
Definition: uint256.h:129
static const uint256 ONE
Definition: uint256.h:135
Implement std::hash so RCUPtr can be used as a key for maps or sets.
Definition: rcu.h:257
std::shared_ptr< const CTransaction > CTransactionRef
Definition: transaction.h:315
int64_t atoi64(const std::string &str)
std::string ToString(const T &t)
Locale-independent version of std::to_string.
Definition: string.h:86
Definition: amount.h:19
static constexpr Amount zero() noexcept
Definition: amount.h:32
A BlockHash is a unqiue identifier for a block.
Definition: blockhash.h:13
Confirmation includes tx status and a triplet of {block height/block hash/tx index in block} at which...
Definition: transaction.h:181
Confirmation(Status s=UNCONFIRMED, int b=0, BlockHash h=BlockHash(), int i=0)
Definition: transaction.h:186
Cachable amount subdivided into watchonly and spendable parts.
Definition: ismine.h:34
void Reset()
Definition: ismine.h:38
A TxId is the identifier of a transaction.
Definition: txid.h:14
#define strprintf
Format arguments and return the string or write to given std::ostream (see tinyformat::format doc for...
Definition: tinyformat.h:1202
static void ReadOrderPos(int64_t &nOrderPos, mapValue_t &mapValue)
Definition: transaction.h:23
std::map< std::string, std::string > mapValue_t
Definition: transaction.h:21
static void WriteOrderPos(const int64_t &nOrderPos, mapValue_t &mapValue)
Definition: transaction.h:33