

Returns an object containing various state info regarding avalanche networking.

{                                     (json object)
  "ready_to_poll" : true|false,       (boolean) Whether the node is ready to start polling and voting.
  "local" : {                         (json object) Only available if -avaproof has been supplied to the node
    "verified" : true|false,          (boolean) Whether the node local proof has been locally verified or not.
    "verification_status" : "str",    (string) The proof verification status. Only available if the "verified" flag is false.
    "sharing" : true|false,           (boolean) DEPRECATED: Whether the node local proof is being advertised on the network or not. Only displayed if the -deprecatedrpc=getavalancheinfo_sharing option is set.
    "proofid" : "hex",                (string) The node local proof id.
    "limited_proofid" : "hex",        (string) The node local limited proof id.
    "master" : "hex",                 (string) The node local proof master public key.
    "payout_address" : "str",         (string) The node local proof payout address. This might be omitted if the payout script is not one of P2PK, P2PKH or P2SH, in which case decodeavalancheproof can be used to get more details.
    "stake_amount" : n                (numeric) The node local proof staked amount.
  "network" : {                       (json object)
    "proof_count" : n,                (numeric) The number of valid avalanche proofs we know exist (including this node's local proof if applicable).
    "connected_proof_count" : n,      (numeric) The number of avalanche proofs with at least one node we are connected to (including this node's local proof if applicable).
    "dangling_proof_count" : n,       (numeric) The number of avalanche proofs with no node attached.
    "finalized_proof_count" : n,      (numeric) The number of known avalanche proofs that have been finalized by avalanche.
    "conflicting_proof_count" : n,    (numeric) The number of known avalanche proofs that conflict with valid proofs.
    "immature_proof_count" : n,       (numeric) The number of known avalanche proofs that have immature utxos.
    "total_stake_amount" : n,         (numeric) The total staked amount over all the valid proofs in XEC (including this node's local proof if applicable).
    "connected_stake_amount" : n,     (numeric) The total staked amount over all the connected proofs in XEC (including this node's local proof if applicable).
    "dangling_stake_amount" : n,      (numeric) The total staked amount over all the dangling proofs in XEC (including this node's local proof if applicable).
    "immature_stake_amount" : n,      (numeric) The total staked amount over all the immature proofs in XEC (including this node's local proof if applicable).
    "node_count" : n,                 (numeric) The number of avalanche nodes we are connected to (including this node if a local proof is set).
    "connected_node_count" : n,       (numeric) The number of avalanche nodes associated with an avalanche proof (including this node if a local proof is set).
    "pending_node_count" : n          (numeric) The number of avalanche nodes pending for a proof.

> bitcoin-cli getavalancheinfo 
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getavalancheinfo", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'