
decodeavalancheproof "proof"

Convert a serialized, hex-encoded proof, into JSON object. The validity of the proof is not verified.

1. proof    (string, required) The proof hex string

{                                   (json object)
  "sequence" : n,                   (numeric) The proof's sequential number
  "expiration" : n,                 (numeric) A timestamp indicating when the proof expires
  "master" : "hex",                 (string) The master public key
  "signature" : "str",              (string) The proof signature (base64 encoded)
  "payoutscript" : {                (json object) The proof payout script
    "asm" : "str",                  (string) Decoded payout script
    "hex" : "hex",                  (string) Raw payout script in hex format
    "type" : "str",                 (string) The output type (e.g. nonstandard, pubkey, pubkeyhash, scripthash, multisig, nulldata)
    "reqSigs" : n,                  (numeric) The required signatures
    "addresses" : [                 (json array)
      "str",                        (string) eCash address
  "limitedid" : "hex",              (string) A hash of the proof data excluding the master key.
  "proofid" : "hex",                (string) A hash of the limitedid and master key.
  "staked_amount" : n,              (numeric) The total staked amount of this proof in XEC.
  "score" : n,                      (numeric) The score of this proof.
  "stakes" : [                      (json array)
    {                               (json object)
      "txid" : "hex",               (string) The transaction id
      "vout" : n,                   (numeric) The output number
      "amount" : n,                 (numeric) The amount in this UTXO
      "height" : n,                 (numeric) The height at which this UTXO was mined
      "iscoinbase" : true|false,    (boolean) Indicate whether the UTXO is a coinbase
      "pubkey" : "hex",             (string) This UTXO's public key
      "signature" : "str"           (string) Signature of the proofid with this UTXO's private key (base64 encoded)

> bitcoin-cli decodeavalancheproof "<hex proof>"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "decodeavalancheproof", "params": ["<hex proof>"]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'